Rockpool Songs Music ShopAverage Rating5.00(based on 6 reviews)Original Songs and Arrangements for KS1-3Edit shopAdd a resource
myrabarrettoZoom To The Moon(0)A Phonics Song for KS1 and Foundation Stage. Easy to learn: fun to sing. Comes with lyrics, piano score, backing and vocal tracks
myrabarrettoWhen It's Sunny I Swim In The Sea(0)A phonics song for KS1 and Foundation Stage. Easy to learn and fun to sing. Comes with lyrics, piano score, backing and vocal tracks
myrabarrettoWhat Are You Going To Do Today?(0)A song that focuses on ‘special friends’ in phonics: -bake a cake -ride my bike etc finishing off with a silly one!
myrabarrettoBuild-ER(0)Adding ‘ER’ to words: High and higher, long and longer, deep and deeper. Lots of actions and great for learning.
BundlemyrabarrettoPhonics Songs4 ResourcesFour new songs to make teaching phonics fun for you and your pupils! They come with great backing tracks and have been tried and tested in school. Why not be creative and adapt them with your class to make up new verses?